Anasayfa Hakkimizda Hizmetler Cozumler Destek
A VSAT is a small-sized telecommunications earth station that transmits and receives via satellite. The terminal size is 1.2 to 2.4 meter in diameter.


SCPC is the best solution for real-time data satellite communication. SCPC offers terminals for every single location a capacity between 8 Kbps and 8x2Mbps and unlike other systems it also supports asymmetric work.

Due to its special IP compression SCPC can be used at maximum efficiency in the Aerospatiale area

Geographically Independent:
Both remotes can be connected to each other at high speed.

Connected to the center it is capable to mutual communication between far away located regions through satellite and PPP protocol.

High Technology:
• Full integration with LAN
• Quality voice communication with low capacity usage
• Steady CIR values for each location

Service possibilities with generous support:
• Fast Installation and Activation
• Service possibility at place

Standard appliances
• Client Server e.g. SAP
• LAN Interconnection
• Internet
• Intranet
• Voice over IP


LANs are connected via router to the Frame Relay interfaces of the Indoor Unit (IDU).
• Data (point-to-point)
• Voice applications (router)

• Digital or analog voice is connected via router to the Frame interface of the Indoor Unit (IDU).

• Each terminal has V.35 port.
• Access data rates 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 Kbps/port.
• Serial interface V.35
• Supports synchronized connection to external router.
• Easy configuration due to PVC definition.
• Supports PPP standards.
• Interfaces with IP or ATM compliant equipment, routers, switches
• Since it works without the need for a ground control station, performance and response time is
   reduced to the half. 
• Guaranteed performance quality due to PPP standard.
• Steady CIR values provide maximum usage of the capacity

SCPC is the best solution for real-time data satellite communication. SCPC offers terminals for every single location a capacity between 8 Kbps and 8x2Mbps and unlike other systems it also supports asymmetric work.
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